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Global HyPT Center Events

Global HyPT Center Events

Global HyPT Centre Annual Meeting

Global HyPT Centre Annual Meeting


This is an academic event where all partner universities of the Global HyPT centre meets once a year in person. This means our academic partners from the universities based in the USA, Canada and Australia, along with non-funding institutions in Germany and Egypt, will be coming to Cranfield.

Option 1 - Meeting registration (includes dinner on the 9 and 10 June) £160

Option 2 - Meeting registration and afternoon tea (includes dinner on the 9 and 10 June and afternoon tea on Sunday 8 June) £210

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Global Hydrogen Futures Conference Registration Fee



The Global HyPT Center is organising an academic conference with the two other EPSRC-funded consortiums, Hy-RES (led by University of Bath), and HI-ACT (led by University of Birmingham).

The conference is planned to take place June 11-12 at Cranfield University.
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